Signs of an allergic reaction can include: If you notice anything about your dog that makes you think something is not right, take it seriously. No, figs are not toxic to dogs. When used appropriately, figs are safe for a dog. The fiber, regularly found in figs, is great for dogs who suffer from weight issues, who are dealing with a weakened colon, and its great for dogs who may be at risk for diabetes mellitus. In addition, she is an American Kennel Club Gazette breed columnist and is the author of several books about dogs. (100+ foods covered). Studies have found it takes approximately 15 to 30 grams of garlic per kilograms of body weight to produce harmful changes in a dog… However, make sure that you are tracking the following symptoms: Make sure that you contact your veterinarian immediately in case you see any skin reactions. Although figs are safe for dogs, there are high chances that your dog just might pass on this fruit. Therefore, it’s great for helping manage weight. Feeling full can help your dog with weight control. Serve your dog 1-2 of dried figs when you are going for fast hunger satisfaction. Many dogs enjoy figs because of their sweetness. Dogs can show signs of allergies when they are eating figs for the first time. When the dog’s skin comes contact with these leaves, they can cause dermatitis. If you want to protect your dog’s heart and help him stay stronger figs are a good choice. There’s very little I like more than a ripe fig, plucked right off the tree, but you … According to some sources, the potassium in figs can help regulate a dog’s blood pressure. Proteolytic enzyme (ficin) which is an enzyme that destroys the protein in your dog’s body Figs are a nutritious fruit for humans. They contain loads of sugar for one thing. Figs have just 3 percent protein and 3 percent fat with 94 percent carbohydrates. No dogs ever had an allergic reaction or came to grief from contact with the tree. Small amounts of the natural sugar found in figs won’t hurt your dog and can provide a quick energy boost. Good luck with your seach!c Figs are slightly underrated fruit. So, one thing that can cause allergic reactions in dogs is actually the wasp in the figs. Fiddle leaf Figs are Toxicity Class 4 . Make sure that you always serve figs fresh and raw. Family: Moraceae. That’s also the best way to see your dogs reaction to it. To minimize the risk of digest issues, serve figs with your dog’s regular meal. We all know how excited dogs get when they see food coming towards them. It’s confirmed fact that dogs who eat a few figs often have an upset stomach. The dietary fiber found in figs is good for most dogs. Figs are not known as a highly allergenic food, but some dogs have a strong reaction to it. Basically, love toward figs may vary from dog to dog. The same goes for your dog. However, if it happens, contact your veterinarian immediately. There are many fig tree varieties. The fruit bearing ones are safe, as far as I know. Alternating, long, glossy leaves. Fresh figs contain a substance known as ficin. But, should you share it with your canine? Humans are known for loving to eat figs fresh and dried. Overall, these ingredients are not good for a dog’s health. HI I looked it up for you and they say that the berries that they produce are toxic to dogs. It is unlikely that your first choice would be figs. You can wait to see if there is any reaction before letting your dog have another bite. 54 Type: Evergreen shrub or tree. Figs are commercially cultivated and it may be the reason for it. Feeding our dogs with the same kind of dog food for years might not exactly be... Can Dogs Eat Pineapples – A Complete Guide. Let me do some quick research. Just two Fig Newtons contain 13 grams or 3 teaspoons of sugar, for example, along with high fructose corn syrup. However, the list of benefits of eating figs is much more longer than the list of downsides of eating figs. This happens because of several ingredients like sugar, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated cottonseed oil, sodium benzoate, sulfur dioxide, and numerous artificial flavors. She has been reviewing pet foods and writing about dog food for more than 10 years. In terms of nutrition, figs are one of the healthiest and wholesome fruits out there. 54 In the U.S.: Typically a houseplant. Is fig something that you should be sharing with your furry friend or not? Even if your dog inadvertently eats a fig, you do not need to worry. If you fear your dog has ingested the leaves of a poisonous tree, contact your veterinarian immediately. Download the Free "Can Dogs Eat..." Whitepaper, 9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors. Letting your dog have a couple of figs per week can be good for your dog for their dietary fiber. The first on our list has to be raisins and grapes. Precautions While Giving Figs to Your Dog. If your dog is not allergic serve him with 2-3 figs per week in the form of a snack. Figs can cause allergies. Lastly, the fiber content of figs is healthy for a dog’s colon. The fig tree that produces fruit (ficus carica) is not poisonous according to people who grow fig trees and experts at the University of California-Davis. Location Devices – GPS Trackers for Pets, This fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which is known to be good for the digestive system. Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina. Cheap vs Expensive Dog Foods – You Get What You Pay For? Also known as: Indian Rubber Plant, Weeping Fig. You don’t really need to worry about your dog coming into contact with the tree. If your dog is a constant nibbler, then you should avoid planting trees poisonous to dogs or plan on keeping your dog away from these trees. Grapes and raisins. Figs are primary sweet and nutrient-dense. But, not all figs came from wasp-infected trees. (I say this as someone that had a fig tree in the yard. Food which is rich in fiber is great for balancing your entire body and especially the digestive system. While some dogs seem to enjoy eating fig leaves and they are not toxic, some dogs can have allergic reactions to the milky white sap in the leaves. I just typed in toxic plants to dogs. There is a great deal of inaccurate information online about fig trees. Can Dogs Eat Figs? Carlotta Cooper is a long-time contributing editor for the weekly dog show magazine DN Dog News. If your canine comes near this tree he can suffer from skin inflammations. Simply said, they cant benefit from it at all. If possible, the best thing would be if you could build a fence around the fig tree. 54 Native to: Asia. If you love fruits, you may be curious to know whether or not dogs can eat figs. Do not let your dog eat the dry figs. The biggest concern when it comes to figs lies in figs enzymes that can be too strong for your dog’s stomach to handle. For small dogs, a half of one fig would be enough at one time, depending on your dog’s age and health. If you are feeding your puppy with figs give it just a few pieces at a time. If your dog eats more than a couple of figs per week, he will probably have loose stool or diarrhea. As mentioned above the best way when it comes to feeding your dog with figs is to start with one test-figs-meal so you can track your dog’s reaction to it. Long story short, YES! There are other members of the ficus family that are more dangerous to animals but they don’t produce figs. Other exotic fruits that are unsafe for dogs. It can therefore help with canine constipation. Therefore, figs are great for a dog’s weight control and overall health. Fig poisoning in dogs is a result of dogs ingesting the fig, or ficus, plant. 2015 - 2020 © Barking Royalty. You should not give your dog dried figs or cookies or cakes made from figs because of the high sugar content. Additional Common Names: Weeping Fig, Indian Rubber Plant. Important: Never give your dog dried figs. They are more beneficial to humans than they are to dogs. Our guide to fruit and vegetables which are toxic for dogs 1. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These snacks are not toxic or poisonous but they aren’t a healthy treat for your dog. Any plant can upset your dog’s stomach, but the toxic ones can produce severe symptoms, like intense vomiting or organ damage, depending on the plant and how much your pup ingests. It can also help regulate weight control. Look for symptoms like: For this reason, dogs should also never be given dry figs. What You Need To Know. Trees that produce figs are not poisonous to dogs though some web sites confuse these trees with related trees and plants in the ficus family. In fact, figs are good for dogs, offering organic vitamins and nutrients that provide a … Figs pose some interesting issues where dogs are concerned. Even if your dog is crazy about figs don’t serve it more than 2-3 times per week. They are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. You can safely give most dogs one to two figs per week. If you have a fig tree in your yard, your dog might be tempted to eat more figs than are good for him so it’s best to pick the figs before your dog eats them. When ingested, the leaves can cause vomiting, oral irritation, and salivation. If you see any of the symptoms, your dog shows after consuming figs, immediately take it to the veterinarian. Moreover, this treat can lead to serious long-term health issues. Nevertheless, more than 1 or 2 figs every week might cause diarrhea, so even though your dog is not allergic, you might want to limit their consumption of this fruit. Toxic Principles: Proteolytic enzyme (ficin), psoralen (ficusin) Clinical Signs: Gastrointestinal and dermal irritation. (There is an ornamental plant called a weeping fig that is toxic to pets. It’s usually best to give your dog no more than a couple of figs per week. That shouldn’t be the case as they come with many benefits. No. However, your dog could recover just fine with an antihistamine, but it’s possible that your dog will need to take a steroid to fully recover. If you have a larger dog, you could give your dog a whole fig at one time, depending on his age and health. The plant contains ficin, a poisonous sap-like substance. In fact, grapes are so toxic that they can lead to acute sudden kidney failure. If your dog eats leaves from a fig tree and you see signs that he is feeling ill, take him to a veterinarian right away. At worst, he might have an allergic reaction to the sap. However, what type of figs your canine prefers and should you let your best friend have a fig or two? All in, some dogs are allergic to figs, while some dogs just have stronger reactions. Long story short, yes. Every responsible dog parent needs to know about all the things your dog needs to avoid. Figs. There are simple rules that have to be followed if you want to keep your dog healthy while serving him this treat. Actually, figs are not toxic to dogs. However, a few fruits, like grapes, raisins, and strawberries, are toxic or dangerous for dogs. If you have a fig tree in your yard your main concern should be to keep an eye on how many figs your dog(s) eat. There are two toxins in the weeping fig known to cause side effects in dogs. In this article we've decided to focus... Rich in Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, fiber - all true facts about carrots. If you are concerned that your dog might be allergic to figs, it’s a good idea to start by giving your dog a small bite to see how he reacts. Some people may confuse these plants/trees.). Like us, dogs enjoy eating sweet treats once in a while, and fortunately, dogs can have figs without negative side effects or health issues. It is believed that some figs contain wasp eggs or larvae. They may help your dog’s colon health and even help your dog feel full. This is not the same plant that produces the … This is not the same plant that produces the common fruit from fig trees, though they are related. In addition, dogs shouldn’t have too much sugar, even when it comes from a natural source such as fruit. There’s confusion online on this topic, mostly because of the weeping fig, an ornamental plant that’s very toxic … In short, your dog shouldn’t be given access anywhere near it on their own. If you suspect your pet may have ingested a potentially toxic substance, call the APCC at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible. Furthermore, it can even help with constipation, due to its support when it comes to regulating bowel movements. Another fruit that is generally safe for dogs, apples should be fed with care. Dogs can show signs of allergies when they are eating figs for the first time. Read Next: 9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors. If you believe that figs may cause your dog allergies, stop giving them and contact your veterinarian to be sure that your dog is fine. Toxic Principles: Insoluble calcium oxalates Clinical Signs: Oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing. Most dried fruit is not recommended for dogs or similar reasons. Aside from ficin, it also has the psoralen ficusin which can also be toxic for your pet. Learn how your comment data is processed. Barking Royalty does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. How much garlic is toxic to dogs? Figs are healthy for both humans and dogs. Signs are irritation of the mouth & gastrointestinal tract. They also have high concentrations of sugar which is not good for your dog. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) We're sorry to break it to you, but one of the internet's most infamous … Taking care of your dog’s overall health you will protect his entire organism, including the heart. The fig plant contains a toxic, sap-like substance known as ficin, which is toxic when consumed or when it comes into contact with the skin, eyes, or mouth of dogs According to ASPCA, a fig tree variety Ficus benjamina leaves are toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. Dermal irritation is possible if the sap gets on the pet s skin. They did, however, enjoy eating figs.). This process may take some days or weeks. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Fiddle leaf figs are in the Toxicity Class 4. The cause of weeping fig poisoning is consumption of any part of the ficus benjamina plant, including the leaves, stems, and fruit. Hence, we’ve compiled a list of exotic fruits that you must NOT give to your dogs. Can dogs eat fig? Always relay any questions you have regarding your pet’s medical condition to your veterinarian, local animal hospital or other qualified veterinary provider. Figs are also a great source of natural sugar, which is great as it will give your pet an energy boost. However, a natural sugar that can be found in fruit like figs is a completely different story. Simply said, they aren’t suitable for dogs. If you are passionate or just educational about growing figs at home, you probably know that the tree figs grow on a type of Ficus tree. The fig plant contains a toxic, sap-like substance known as ficin, which is toxic when consumed or when it comes into contact with the skin, eyes, or mouth of dogs. Figs are rich in pottasium that can easily help your dog when it comes to regulating the blood pressure. Cut a little piece of fig and let your dog eat it. Figs contain ficin and fucosin which is irritant to some dogs. However, there are possible downsides that should be addressed properly. Always. Your dogs can eat figs. You can do a Internet seach like I did and then you can look to see which one are OK. But what about the fruit bearing fig trees that we know and love? Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Furthermore, there might be some strong reactions that involve the airway. Another benefit of the fig is that it can often act as a natural laxative. No, don’t give your dog Fig Newtons or other cookies or cakes that contain figs. Some veterinarians say fig leaves aren’t toxic for dogs, however, the sap in fig leaves can cause allergic reactions and rashes in humans, so I would keep my dogs away from the tree. Fig poisoning in dogs is a result of dogs ingesting the fig, or ficus, plant. But, bear in mind that you should let your dog eat figs not more than three times per week. While some dogs seem to enjoy eating fig leaves and they are not toxic, some dogs can have allergic reactions to the milky white sap in the leaves. Digest issues, serve figs with your seach! c another fruit that is to! Dog fig fruit toxic to dogs to your dog needs to avoid build a fence around the fig, you must not give dog! In calories and sugar read Next: 9 Simple Ways to keep your dog is about! Worst, he fig fruit toxic to dogs react do it again because they don’t produce figs. ) are more beneficial to!! To take extra precautions to protect your dog when it comes to in... Of fiber you would go for watermelon or peaches best way to see there... S regular meal that the berries that they produce are toxic to dogs though. Also known as a highly allergenic food, but it ’ s health! 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