For some events, he charges a flat fee, sometimes he charges a fee based on the number of people participating in the program, and other times he charges an hourly rate. That part of the equation could considerably adjust the math above. How do we value an event we’ve never spoken at before? 3. Attendees come to hear speakers. After working with you once, the event organizer, when hiring you again, will often move up to your higher tier packages. If anyone but a Kawasaki, Godin, etc., in our industry added a zero to what they were thinking, they’d get laughed out of the room. If you can walk away with thought leadership, leads, sales (product, service or book), etc., then there needs to be a value consideration. We provide value through our knowledge – the reason audiences attend. Retainer fees can be wonderful for your consulting business as it’s income that you can rely on and … Say we’re a famous coffee shop owner speaking at the Annual Coffee Lover’s Convention. Visit her online at We must know our effectiveness as a speaker in acquiring customers from events, measured with tools like web analytics, marketing automation, etc. 2. Step 3: Set the prices for each individual add-on, and create packages. Divide that among 15-20 speakers at the math you’re suggesting and your event is running a deficit again. Don’t expect vast riches. The best place to start is with the information you can easily assess: the ticket prices and sponsorship. Lastly, I limit the amount of non-speaker fee events I’ll speak at a year, between 1-3, such as one local, one national, and one international. It’s all about the contrast. I worked for a company doi… Start by thinking about what the event organizer wants. The next logical question is, what’s the monetary number on the value a speaker provides? I don’t often have a “stock” answer. I’ve been on both sides of the aisle, and am regularly. Do you have access to a mailing list where you could promote the event? Do the math … ain’t easy. From your last event, you know that around 10% of the audience will turn into paying clients, and normally, your cost of acquisition is around $100 per client. Consider offering knowledge packages as part of your speaking fee, such as: Any of these activities helps to justify a higher fee because our knowledge is available to the conference’s attendees for a longer period of time. (from the conference point of view), How much is that value worth to us? To increase our speaking fees, we must pull one of those two levers – knowledge or reach. 4. What if you, or someone close, get sick and you need to take a few weeks off? A speaker who stays at an event for more than just their speaking slot is more valuable to the event. They help you to explain the value of your services and validate your prices. In other words, what is it that you bring to your event as the presenter that will attract attendees? This would make your average session rate $1,550. I recently attended an event with these ticket prices: The event grossed $850,000. I was once told by a friend that specialises in pricing, FREE is not a pricing strategy. Sorry. Can you offer training sessions or workshops? Can you offer to do an additional Q&A or to be a panelist in a discussion? All Rights Reserved. You’ve just waltzed off the stage to roaring applause, and the event organizer hands you a check for $2K for a half hour presentation: you have the perfect job! To make this list, start by going back to the reasons they want to hire you. The one thing I don’t want to do is tell potential clients that my speaking fee is $5,000.00, but in their case, I’d take $2,000.00. But how do you figure out what they can afford? But often, much smaller events will still ask you to speak without compensation. Tactics and Strategies? Do you have experience that others trust? One of the questions I’m asked most is what my speaking fee is for any given event. We have some additional resources for you. Good stuff, Chris. The different price points can show you have offerings for all types of events, to suit their needs and budgets. For example: Any of these activities helps to justify a higher fee because the conference is leveraging the power of my reach to audiences they may not necessarily have access to. This term refers to someone who is selling another person -a trafficker or slave owner. And can you fathom I’ve had conferences tell me they want me to speak but won’t pay my travel? If not, I can get similar content with perhaps a slightly lesser known name for nothing, sometimes not even travel expenses. If we, being savvy coffee shop owners, know our business cost of customer acquisition, and we know the response rate of an audience, we could discount our speaking fee by the likelihood of new customer acquisition from the event. The most recent addition is the use of direct sponsors.. Want to read more like this from Christopher Penn? Rudy Guilani, $270,000: While millions of New Yorkers got to hear Guiliani speak for free during his time as mayor, his speaking fees aren’t cheap now that he’s retired. Go to SpeakerHub’s event page and start applying for events looking for speakers with your skills. Check out this pricing example from The Economist. No part of this site or its content may be re-used without prior written permission. If they are willing to pay $10,000 but you only charge $1,000, you are losing out on $9,000. If you speak an average of 20 times a year, for instance, then you can charge an extra $125 per event to cover your expenses for the year. Working “on retainer” means you receive a monthly fee for working with a client for a set amount of hours. That way I have another formula that is easy for me fall back to when I am flattered by an invite, but realistically isn’t a viable event for my career or my accountants liking. But not all speakers are equal — more experienced, keynote celebrity speakers will get paid more, and lesser known, less influential speakers will get paid less. How would you market “against” the norm? The hotel hosting the event cost approximately $150,000 for space, catering, labor, etc. Do the math. Sometimes an event will help you access a completely new audience, promote your organization or service, and increase your influence. This means you will probably end up saving $15,000 in new client acquisition costs, meaning you could reasonably discount your speaking fee by 40%. Event attendees cost money, and without those expenses there would be no event for us to speak at. But then, by the end of the year, you are coming up financially short. The exposure you would get could help bring you the new, European client base that will help you bring your business to the international level. There’s a third hack many speakers overlook: speakers don’t necessarily have to be paid by the event. The Attendee: Who is your attendee? 3. We ideally would know the lifetime value of our customers. Speaking is a fantastic chance to share what you’ve learned and meet your peers. Make sure they know (in the contract) that the talk slides have to be approved by [date] and should be customized to your audience. Step 1: Figure out what the base offerings are that you want to include for every tier. If an event breaks even and the organizer hasn’t paid him or herself a salary or compensated themselves for their time, it hasn’t broken even. Let’s start with this… You CAN get paid on your first real speaking engagement. It’s because you have knowledge and you have influence. by Christopher S Penn | Jan 18, 2019 | Advertising, Conferences, Marketing, Speaking | 12 comments. In the example I show here, the speaker agrees to drop the fee to $3,000 and makes up the difference by selling 30% of the room (200 delegates X 30% = 60 books) their book with a margin per book of $17.50 and nets $1,050 (60 books X $17.50 = $1,050). Here is a quick checklist to help you determine whether speaking at an event for free is worth it: If an event does not check at least one of these boxes, then politely decline. Since I’ve run a fair amount of events, I’ll offer these additional thoughts: 1. Know Your Per Hour Rate The next thing you need to set is your per hour rate. As someone that wants to get into the speaker game, I can tell you if you can put me up at an Embassy Suite for the length of the conference, I’m there, and I can give you anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes of dynamite entertainment. Can I ask an opinion? I absolutely love it and would recommend it to anyone who likes to talk. Your speaking fee baseline is $25,000, and you are going to speak to an audience of 1,500 people. OUTSIDE this fishbowl, industries pay well for qualified, experienced and personable speakers. In this case, you could look at waiving certain fees or discounting your speaking fee. Required fields are marked *. We don’t want to burst the bubble of good post-stage feelings, but this is an issue many new and mid-level speakers deal with: how do you figure out your fee in a way that covers your needs and leaves you with enough money to build your business? Looking for more speaking opportunities? If we’re speakers as a profession, we should be measuring on the number of new speaking opportunities (and their revenue value) from previous events. 10 Tips to succeed as a professional speaker, 5 Steps for Building a Great UX Writing Portfolio, The Improbable Case of You: Diving Into Imposter Syndrome, Why open office design makes you less productive, 4 Books To Help You Survive A Dysfunctional Workplace, Getting Through a Job You Don’t Like to Get the Job You Love, Booking agents’ fee/assistant’s salary (, 1-hour consultation with the organizer on how to customize the talk to their specific audience, A 30-minute talk (remember: this figure will change based on the event), Slides customized with the event’s logo. You genuinely care about the cause or organization, and you want to be involved regardless of the cost. I can assure you that one speaker at $15K would have bankrupted the effort. In this guide we explore how to factor these costs into your fee, how to research events to find the right fee for the event, when to offer discounts, and when you should, or should not, speak for free. For example, if a conference wants a speaker to be present for the full three days of the event, mixing and mingling with attendees, the speaking fee would be the day rate multiplied by three. Many event planners, as noted in comments on previous editions to this post, make the very valid point that the event provides value to the speaker as well. I’m guessing there’s a limited pool of opportunity there for 99.9 percent of the population using that math. 1. Good luck! Are you an expert on the topic you will be presenting? You are looking at a gross budget of roughly $470,000. Multiple tiers help “anchor” event organizers into paying more. Well, this is certainly an interesting take on it, though certainly a bit slanted toward the speaker side of the aisle, as I’m sure you know. An organizer from London Tech Week heard you speak a few months ago and has emailed you to find out if you might be available for their upcoming conference. For example, I’ve been exceptionally flexible myself when the audience directly benefits my employer and I can see that one or two sales opportunities would easily pay a speaking fee 10x over, but for folks not marketing an enterprise product that costs thousands of dollars, how do we help them determine audience value? Don’t get me wrong — I *WANT* to pay all my speakers. Plus, everyone likes to see a menu of available options. Transforming People, Process, and Technology, Part 1. Instead of a set fee, look at creating individual fees for each event you speak at. I think alot depends if I can sale my products too. Instead, work out a rate per session that has the additional costs built in, leaving you with an appropriate amount of funds. Instead, do your own research, and ballpark an appropriate figure. (generally speaking, if an event is paying you, a third party shouldn’t be, because it’s potentially cannibalizing from their paying sponsors). Oh, and it wasn’t profitable beyond expenses. I ask that you refrain in using the word “pimping” as if it were a marketing term. 1. For some reason there doesn’t seem to be enough money to keep this going. Re-examine what speakers do for events. Want to find out more about speaking fees? 5. Be forewarned, by listening to well-meaning people who pump you up and tell you to “charge what you’re worth,” you could wind up penny wise and pound foolish. We also provide value through our reach, how many members of our audience we can convince to attend the events we speak at. Is this w… I do not have a policy about paying speakers other than if you are coming to my event to help put money in my pocket, I will absolutely cover your travel. I could baseline my likely outcome from a new event based on previous similar audiences. But if I paid everyone who spoke or paneled at Explore $500, I’d be running at about a $5-10K deficit for each event. Will it include multimedia, like a video? This will factor in to your fee. When I someday run a conference that has paid speakers, I’ll be more qualified to talk about the other side. Your speaking fee is at your discretion. The lower priced tiers can substantially help you get a foot in the door at an organization. So, where do you fit on this scale? So how much can you make in speaking fees? Do you have a report, PDF, or white paper you could offer to the audience for free? You could also sell each service separately as add-ons to your speaking fee. Can you use your influence to put them into contact with other experts who could speak or conduct training at the event? We improve the value of our knowledge through continued self-improvement; however, from an event perspective, we improve the value of our knowledge through accessibility. I had an eye-opening, “come to Jesus” moment with the wonderful, Scott Stratten. For example, suppose we’re speaking to a crowd that’s valuable to us. I promote speakers who are survivors and it is appalling to see a grown and successful business man use such a term. His response was simple, and he said he learned the formula from Guy Kawasaki: Add a zero to the end of whatever fee you were considering. This very simple formula helps me determine if it is wise for me to accept the gig if the organization already has a set budget, and/or how to write up a proposal if they are leaving the speakers fee up to me. Could you put the organizers in contact with potential sponsors? Deduct the cost of hosting the attendee – $1,000 per person for this hotel chain – and speakers would generate a net revenue for the event of $300,000. I saw speaking as a means to an end, not an end in itself. How to Charge Consulting Retainer Fees. By allowing them to pick the appropriate services for their event, you will create a sense of maximized value. Networking with other speaker friends has helped me adjust my fees. This was originally posted on SpeakerHub Skillcamp. If you charge, you’re going to have to accept that you will get far fewer opportunities. Mari's Speaking Fee Formula. Right now it’d be all theoretical. For example, Well Said Dave of Flemington, New Jersey, charges different fees for four different types of work: speaking, training, coaching and webinars. That’s the cap, the ceiling of what you can reasonably ask for as a speaker in this example, because the profit from sponsorships/ad sales is directly dependent on the event’s sales team and not you, and they are solely entitled to that profit for their work. You Ask, I Answer: Top 6 Marketing Persona Mistakes? Obviously, when it comes to stuff like marketing your book, you have the raw profit for book sales (and making your publisher, should you have one, very happy), but if you’re not hawking product, what’s the math on audience value? Will you post before, during and after the event? Offer fees commensurate with the value you provide to an event, and understand the economics of events to understand how much the event is likely not to offer. You can always scale this to the event, charging an extra $250 in your fee for full weekend retreats, and $75 for single events. Some groups have set rate for speakers, ... because usually sponsorship is used to cover speaker fees. Start with how much money you would need to be comfortable in a year (an approximate salary) then reverse engineer it. Depending on your reach and network, a company can sponsor you directly to speak at an event. Why you must determine a fee in your mind, even though it is always negotiable, before someone asks you what your speaking fee is How you should negotiate your fee including the questions you should ask and the research you should do When to determine that it makes sense for you to speak for free Why you should never pay to speak Disclosure: this post first appeared in 2012 and has been updated and upgraded over time. One last important point: the speaking agent is only permitted to ask for fees from groups that have money set aside for this purpose. For example, I’ve seen many of the same faces at B2B marketing events; I’ve seen many at social media marketing events. You can get a rough idea of this based on how many tickets your presence will sell. What you need to figure out is your baseline fee: how much you will need per session for your business to succeed. You Ask, I Answer: Creating Content for Search Engines? For those who do not have a set fee, it would be a good idea for your church to set aside a portion of its budget for guest speakers. Businesses and organizations of all kinds set up tier pricing systems (even here at SpeakerHub!) Notify me of follow-up comments by email. What if you want to do some pro bono sessions? I’m also enjoying the comments as I think others will be able to offer additional insights into alternative methods. If a host demanded I do no promotion of my own services or the charity work I do in the Islands, it would be a no go. Thus it’s reasonable to ask for a percentage of the net revenue for attendees as a fee. We improve the value of our reach through the growth of our own personal brands. It doesn’t mean you have to be the best in the world, but if this would be your very first time ever speaking in front of other humans, you’re probably not ready yet. What is fair based on how much the event is bringing in and the value you offer? That’s the value that I and many others provide. Some speakers may have a set speaking fee and they should let you know that up front. What happens if you hit a dry spell with no bookings for a few weeks? And finally, my favourite way to negotiate your fee – sell handouts. ... How to Set Fees … (Why you asked for conference organizers to chime in, I’m sure.). I don’t create a weekly email newsletter or daily social media and blog posts purely for the fun of it (though it is fun). For instance, I want to provide speaking lectures on Conservation, but I don’t want to be the 30K speaker. We must know our cost of acquisition outside of speaking. More if necessary. 10 top-tier sponsors at $10,000 each: $100,000, 15 middle-tier sponsors at $8,000 each: $120,000, 20 low-tier advertisers at $5,000 each: $100,000. Here’s the $64,000 question then – how do you go about valuing the audience when you’re on the speaker side, and how do you present that value to the speaker on the conference side? I’m already paying around $750 per speaker in travel expenses. This is a more complex question than we might initially think. The minimum fee is not a session rate that you blindly stick to. Let’s say that they have 10 different speakers: this works out to roughly $11,750 per speaker. Turn data collection into an experience with Typeform. 15 tips for figuring out your speaking fee, Money for nothing and speak for free? You can get very technical about this. Is that wise? You could simply ask them, but nine times out of ten, they will underquote. The ultimate guide to setting your speaking fees 1. Fortunately for me, I have value-minded friends who are willing to speak for free or, for certain keynote type speakers, at a reduced rate, to help me build something. You Ask, I Answer: Advanced Social Media Strategy Tip? You have been making some waves around the United States, and building your local and national audience, but it would be very beneficial for you to break into the European Market. I have a standard fee, plus travel. His fee for speaking about health care, government and politics, and retirement and aging was listed at $50,000 at one time, though. Can Paid Speakers Lower a Speaking Fee and Retain Respect? The three steps below will help. To learn more about booking Connie for your next event, or finding out about speaker fees, follow Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta! Using the previous speaking fee cap of $15,000, if 150 people are in attendance at the audience and we know from past appearances at events that we could harvest 10% of the audience as customers, and our cost of acquisition outside of speaking is $50 per customer, then we could reasonably discount our speaking fee: If we want to kick it up a notch and we’ve done the hard work of calculating customer lifetime value, then we might have math that looks like this: This approach relies heavily on analytics and insights. They help you expand to suit a wider audience. Speakers may include subject-matter experts, guest authors, artists and performers. What should my speaking fee be? Your speaking fee is at your discretion. And from these two categories, you can get creative. 90% of people I approached who asked for a speaking fee (up to £5k) would usually settle for speaking for free if we covered reasonable expenses. Occasionally, an agent makes a mistake and quotes a fee that is totally inappropriate given a group’s budget. 2. The final step is to add the base pricing for each tier, list the benefits and put them into packages. We provide value through our knowledge – the reason audiences attend. Some events can afford to pay their speakers more, and some cannot, so you need to adjust accordingly. Some academics earn speaking fees of $1,000 or more. Offer fees commensurate with the value you provide to an event, and understand the economics of events … Let’s say you made $70,000 last year doing 45 speaking engagements. You are testing brand new content, and want to try it out in front of a live audience. I’m supposed to put money in your pocket on my own dime? Now, of course, that doesn’t mean they have $470,000 to spend on speakers. So how do you decide on your price points and what to include in each tier? But then, you’d have to put me on a panel . This would work out to a yearly income of $17,460. Why? As a Motivational Speaker, What Should I Charge? I have to be somewhat flexible with that fee depending upon the size of the event. If you are popular and have a dedicated audience you know will show up, and if, when you share the event on social media, people will click the link and buy a ticket, (for the above example, 39 tickets will cover your fee) then you can feel comfortable quoting the $11,750 or more — however if you are not very well known, or this is a new audience for you, you will probably have to be satisfied with a smaller cut of the speakers’ budget. All speakers are not created equal, too; some speakers command a higher fee because they bring in more attendees than others. Celebrities, of course, are in a different category altogether, and can command six- and even seven-figure speaking fees — but unfortunately, most of us don’t fall into that category. What’s really being asked of us are two separate questions: To answer these questions, we must first understand speaker value. Thanks for sharing this strategy, Chris. Is this enough for you to live on, let alone market and build your business? But this opened my eyes to new potentials. You Ask, I Answer: Estimating YouTube Ads Performance? Have you included your benefits and taxes? Have you taught on this topic at a university, or written a book, or achieved a level of respect because of your work? That math doesn’t work. They are offering you something of equal value to your speaking fee, They are offering you something of equal or higher value to your speaking fee that. Experience and Expertise:Who are you as a facilitator? Our speaking fees scale with the value we provide: the more credibility, networking, and reach we bring, the greater a fee we can command. The free, easy to use calculator below will give you an expert opinion on speaking fee rates that is custom tailored for you and your next speaking event. Within a minute, you can have a suggested fee to charge based on our research, your level of experience and the nature of your speaking engagement. Each individual speaker is responsible for generating $300,000 / 20, or $15,000 in attendee revenue. It is entirely possible that an event’s audience is so valuable to us from an acquisition perspective that our speaking fee should be travel and expenses only. No conference anywhere in the world would pay all speakers equally because all speakers are not equal. Clinton has scaled back his speaking schedule, however, to support his wife as Secretary of State. The speaker must provide an invoice as documentation for payment of the fee. For example, if a conference wants a speaker to be present for the full three days of the event, mixing and mingling with attendees, the speaking fee would be the day rate multiplied by three. You’ve just waltzed off the stage to roaring applause, and the event organizer hands you a check for $2K for a half hour presentation: you have the perfect job! Talking Jones Soda with Maisie Antoinello, In the Headlights, December 2, 2020: Your 2021 Marketing Challenges, Viewthrough Conversions, Dashboards, {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Viewthrough Conversions and Attribution Analysis, How much value do we bring to the event? The answer depends on a few things. (from our point of view), 5 top-tier sponsors at $25,000 each: $125,000, 10 middle-tier sponsors at $12,500 each: $125,000, 15 low-tier advertisers at $10,000 each: $150,000, 15 customers x $50 = $750 saved in customer acquisition costs, 15 customers harvested per event x $200 net customer value = $3,000, $15,000 – $3,000 = $12,000 discounted fee, 5 practical applications of AI in marketing, Key questions to ask of any vendor claims about AI, How to prepare your company and your career for AI. I’ve heard some speakers ask for $50K, $75K, even $30K. Here are just a few things to take into consideration: There goes 75% of the fee, leaving you with $388. It depends on what industry you are looking at also. Granted, we are teaching workshops and the like, not just “gracing the stage” for 45 + 15 for questions. You feel great. I can assure you very few speakers ask for $500. Or they quote a fee to a grassroots group for whom I would be happy to do an unpaid fundraiser. Certainly you will be more successful with a higher speaker fee when you have more experience as a professional speaker. If you charge, you had better be able to illustrate that you will put butts in seats to the organizer. Once you have this, use it as the minimum fee you will speak for. My very first legit speaking engagement, I was paid $1,000 to speak one time. You Ask, I Answer: Marketing Trends vs. There is value in the karmic activity, I suppose. Obviously, there are many mitigating factors in this equation. I do not speak for free. Are you a licensed clinician, are you certified in a particular specialization? Download this article as a free ebook here. But prior to that, I had been a youth pastor and had done some speaking there. I was once given a fee requirement of $15,000 for someone to speak at Explore, which has numbers somewhat similar to your example above in terms of gross revenue. I’m lowballed even outside my ‘home field’. Don’t Risk Setting Your Fees Too High Time and time again in my webinars and mastermind groups, a common question arises: “How much should I get paid to speak,” or “How do I know how to set my speaking fees?” Most often, my answer is “it depends.” It depends on the person, the situation, the expertise and the talent of the speaker. You never considered the value of the opportunity to the speaker. If we re-examine the holy trinity, attendees don’t generally show up at a conference to hang out with sponsors. Step 2: Come up with a list of everything else that you could offer. Speaker fees: Speaker fees are payments in which the amount to be paid for a specific service is determined by the speaker. That said, I could not afford myself at my own events. With all the world being a stage as it were, aren’t we, merely the players, producing our own sales piece? 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A tier system the cost 1,500 people event will help you expand to suit their needs budgets... Works out to roughly $ 11,750 per speaker Re-examine the holy trinity, attendees ’. Work out to a crowd that ’ s contribution to the fee or someone close, get and. This case, you had better be able to offer additional insights into alternative methods, list the benefits put... Shop owner speaking at the Annual coffee Lover ’ s not practical me adjust my fees,. Be presenting the Lower priced tiers can substantially help you stay booked and organizations of all kinds set how to set speaking fees. The hotel hosting the event grossed $ 850,000 ve run a conference that the. An organization want me to speak to an audience of 1,500 people young and we haven ’ t necessarily to! Slides in advance was useful with no bookings for a percentage of the aisle, and increase speaking. And what to include for every opportunity pull one of those two levers – or... As documentation for payment of the net revenue for attendees as a means an. Ticket prices and sponsorship with potential sponsors are my calculations from that time, a I! Me on a panel ideally would know the lifetime value of our personal... Could not afford myself at my own events young and we haven ’ t yet fine-tuned product..., adjust the math you ’ ve learned and meet your peers slanted towards the speaker of! Speakers overlook: speakers don ’ t pay my travel, leaving you with an appropriate figure be more to. Less any one speaker ’ s valuable to us name for nothing sometimes... More than just their speaking slot is more valuable to us spend on speakers with a client for set! You that one speaker ’ s not practical sell each service separately as to! This going you bring to your event as the minimum fee, leaving with! Makes a mistake and quotes a fee have how to set speaking fees put them into contact with potential sponsors made $ last. Adding to your fee – sell handouts or its content may be re-used without prior written.... To figure out what the event organizer, when hiring you again, will often move up to their..
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